Monday, July 18, 2016

Getting makeup out of your carpet

Getting Makeup out of your carpet:
** This info is off the shaw stain center app, look to see the specifics on how to blot or dab. The app is free and very useful! there are videos linked from youtube that I thought were pretty helpful also**
Before you start it is smart to try it on a small inconspicuous area because some carpets can change color with different solutions.  Clean responsibly and at your own risk.
Oil based makeup:
Detergent- Mix ¼ teaspoon clear or see through hand dish washing detergent with one cup WARM (not hot) water.
Solvent- Liquid, non-oily, non-caustic type sold for spot removal from garments.  Use products for grease, oil, and tar removal such as Carbona and Afta. DO NOT APPLY DIRECTLY O CARPET to prevent damage.
Removal Procedure- Apply solvent with a dry, white towel or cloth.  Remember DO NOT apply direcly to the carpet. Blot; do not rub the stain.  If stain persists, rinse rag and repeat.
Non-oil based makeup:
Ammonia- Undiluted, clear, non-sudsy, household ammonia.
Detergent- Mix ¼ teaspoon clear or see through hand dish washing detergent with one cup WARM (not hot) water.
Hydrogen Peroxide/ ammonia- Mix ½ cup hydrogen peroxide (3% solution available in the drugstores) with 1 tablespoon undiluted, unscented, clear (not sudsy) household ammonia. Use with in 22 hours of mixing.
White vinegar- Undiluted distilled white vinegar.
Removal Procedure-
1. Scrape or blot up excess spill.
2. Apply detergent with a damp towel. Blot; do not rub.
3. Apply water with a damp towel.
4. Blot; Finish with a weighted pad of towels.
If stain persists…
1. Apply detergent with a damp towel; leave on for 3-5 min. Do not blot or rub.
2. If stain is removed, finish with a water rinse.  Blot, then apply a pad of weighted paper towels. If a stain is not removed continue as follows.
3. Apply hydrogen peroxide/ ammonia solution and allow to dry under weighted plastic wrap until removal is complete.
4. Apply water with a damp towel.
5. Blot; finish with weighted pad of paper towels.
6. To neutralize the area, apply white vinegar but only after the stain is removed.
7. Always rinse and blot as the last step.
For existing stains use the hydrogen peroxide solution according to the below links…
Attached is a link to a video (that I did not do) that I found may be a helpful guide to different ways that may help you with your stains I found them interesting but I have not tried them my self…   TRY A YOUR OWN RISK

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Flooring Pictures

I love when customers install flooring that I think looks wonderful in samples.  I also love when it looks better than I wold have predicted when the flooring is actually installed.
These customers purchased this home and gave it a overhaul before they moved in.  I think that what they did was wonderful to update their home.

It is really hard to tell in these pictures but the color of the laminate is a grey color, as you can tell below in the picture of the sample that I took close up. This is another reason that you need to look at samples of the flooring that you are looking at in your daylight and the night light because the flooring can change colors.
I hope these pictures are helpful in your search for flooring or for your viewing pleasure.