Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Backsplash at the Johnson House

There have been alot of questions as customers come into the shop of with all the options of back splashes that are available, how do you pick the one that you want.  The short answer is good question, I have no idea!  But in all seriousness it is a hard thing to pick.  There are thousands of options, I tell people to GOOGLE it, or PINTREST it.  Look up images of what other people have had ideas and get a few pictures that you like and combine them.  We can help you when you have an Idea of what you like.  Personally I love the look of glass tiles.  This is a concept that I pushed when we started looking into changing the back splash.  We has ideas of tiles that we liked but not really any options that were set into stone. 
This is the glass tile that we LOVED! the color variation and the cracked glass was different and worked with the colors that we were using. 

Natural stone was something that we also really liked the look of in back splashes.  Although you have to seal it, we were doing granite counter tops and figured that we could seal them all together.  The travertine pencils and decorative edge really looked elegant and we though it would be nice to incorporate all of this into the back splash.

As the ideas were brought up the highly visual Scott looked at our ideas and with all the brainstorming that we did this was the design that we all agreed on.  It had all of the things that we really liked. 

The pencils the glass and the travertine all have a great look! In my opinion of course!

Natural stone has a mind of its own, no 2 pieces are alike and that variation was something that we really thought would look elegant.

Sorry about the lighting here. We have a window that the sun loves to shine in, and while it is great to see outside it is so bad for pictures! but you can see that we finished the edge with that decorative piece of travertine, and the pencils went around the glass tiles.

Another picture of the over all look of the cabinets, counter top, and back splash (and the dishwasher).
(also as you can see we haven't finished putting in the plugs, we are working on that)

Last sunshine picture.  As a side note the cabinets are natural cherry with a glaze. 
( the cabinet installers told us that installing handles helps preserve your cabinets because the oils from your hands is hard on the finish of the cabinets.)

1 comment:

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