Friday, February 3, 2012

To sock or not to sock?

We get couples in all the time arguing over if they should leave their shoes on in the house or take them off?  Our answer to that is yes.  Does that not answer the question? well let me explain.  Shoes on carpet isn't great, all the dirt, rocks and other things that shoes drag in is something that we don't really like on our carpet.  Bare feet on your carpet is worse... That's right, the oils on your skin is so bad for your carpet. The fibers tend to stick together when oils become present in your carpet making it look bad.  So what is the correct answer for what should you walk in on your carpet? SOCKS! Socks are the best things to walk on your carpet in, well clean socks that is.  Clean socks keep the oils out and you don't (or you mom tells you that you shouldn't) walk in them outside, so you don't have to worry about them tracking the outside stuff in.

1 comment:

  1. If I have office carpet cleaning service Singapore is there any chances to manage my time into most significant chores or office work?
