Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Urine off

                                                                ( this is our kitty Pheobe)
Alright... so as sad as it is to say. some very unplesant things come in contact with your carpet. At Johnsons carpet we started to stock Urine Off. It has a weird name, yes but it does the trick. In the Johnson house hold we have 2 dogs and 1 cat. usually they are very good to go outside. But as one of the dogs (chance) reaches to be about 20 years old she started having the dreaded 'accidents'. This cleaner seemed to do the trick to get the stain out and the stink, so that is why we started to carry it!  So the dog can stay!

Monday, July 18, 2011

Candle Wax and Carpet

If you know what I am talking about, you may think that you need a rug or re arrange your room so that this new spot wont show. Well good news there is a simple solution for the problem. All you are going to need is a few things that you will already have!

*Paper (plane white printer paper)

All you do is take the paper and place it on top of the wax spot, then Iron on the paper and the wax will melt onto the paper. 
Be sure that you are being careful because the iron can melt your carpet like it can melt/ burn clothes. So make sure that you are moving the iron continously to avoid damage to the carpet.

I will post pictures later this week to help with the step to step solutions.

Friday, July 8, 2011

New Blogger

Hey everybody! we are starting a new blog for Johnsons carpet. We are hoping to help out with home renovation ideas and take picts of some of the jobs that we do. But just because carpet is in the name dont think that is all we do! A few things that we do are Carpet, Vinyl, Laminate, Tile, Cabinets, All sorts of countertops (granite, formica, corrian, ect.), blinds, and shutters! If there are any comments to help us improve this feel free to give us advice, and helpful tips!